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Digital Bridge Project.

The largest initiative under EMERGE, aimed at revolutionizing healthcare delivery through the integration of advanced machine-learning technology.

The Digital Bridge Project aims to democratize healthcare resources to enhance outcomes in regions facing extensive healthcare-accessibility challenges.

Project Purpose:

Project Concept:

DBP aims to leverage healthcare technology to address the pressing shortage of specialized healthcare workers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). By implementing innovative IT programs, the project seeks to enhance training, research development, and optimize the healthcare outcomes of resource-limited regions.

Through the development of machine-learning triage medicine, micro-EMR systems, and telemedicine bridges, the initiative intends to create sustainable solutions that align with the unique needs of LMICs. Collaboration with local healthcare systems and stakeholders will ensure that the programs are tailored to effectively bridge gaps in education and healthcare delivery.

DBP addresses the critical shortage of specialized healthcare in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by deploying a network of smart healthcare nodes at community health centers. These nodes are equipped with ruggedized Toughbooks and Starlink satellite internet connectivity, creating a sustainable and adaptable healthcare infrastructure. The nodes operate using DigitalBridge Software.

The DigitalBridge software incorporates simplified OpenSource EMR software that encourages the transition from paper-record taking to digital patient-data input, functioning as a ‘Micro-EMR’ system. The software utilizes machine-learning based analytics, producing patient-specific severity and triage scores to inform healthcare providers. This algorithm is trained and tested through open-source data, can be modified for each healthcare system of adoption, and will continue to learn based on the environment-specific data of each region. The program can provide the clinical-decision making of large multi-tiered institutions to community health centers lacking the staffing of specialized providers.

Further, the node can be linked to the region’s urban health care centers and their academic or university partners, counteracting the geographic isolation ever-present in rural communities. As additional nodes are integrated into the network, they operate collaboratively, establishing an eHealth network that connects multiple geographically isolated communities across LMICs. These interconnected systems ultimately form a Digital Bridge, advancing access to regions isolated through geographic and resource-limited barriers.

How It Works

  1. Node Deployment:

    • Toughbooks: Each node includes a ruggedized Toughbook, capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions.

    • Starlink Connectivity: Satellite internet ensures reliable and continuous connectivity, even in remote areas.

    • Micro-EMR System: Each node functions as a micro-electronic medical record (EMR) system. This means that the system will record, store, and provide provider access patient data locally at each node, ensuring continuity of care and better patient management even in areas without traditional EMR infrastructure.

  2. DigitalBridge Software:

    • Data Collection: The software collects pre-hospital and community-center physical exam data, mechanism of injury, risk, and demographic information.

    • Machine-Learning Algorithms: Advanced algorithms process the input data to generate critical triage scores

    • Real-Time Analysis: Provides immediate, actionable insights to healthcare providers, facilitating rapid decision-making.

  3. Community Integration:

    • Local Adaptation: NeuroBridge learns from community-specific data, adapting its algorithms to better meet local healthcare needs.

    • Training and Support: Continuous training for healthcare providers ensures effective utilization of the technology.

Project Impact

  1. Improved Healthcare Access:

    • Rapid Triage: DigitalBridge's real-time analysis enables healthcare providers to quickly assess and triage patients, significantly improving response times for neurotrauma cases.

    • Enhanced Decision-Making: The critical scores generated by DigitalBridge software provide healthcare workers with the information they need to make informed treatment decisions.

    • Micro-EMR Benefits: The micro-EMR system at each node ensures that patient data is accurately recorded and easily accessible, improving the continuity and quality of care.

  2. Capacity Building:

    • Training: Continuous training programs enhance the skills of local healthcare providers, empowering them to deliver better care.

    • Sustainability: The project promotes a self-sustaining healthcare model, where the technology grows and adapts alongside community needs.

  3. Economic Benefits:

    • Cost Savings: Early and accurate triage and treatment of patients can reduce the long-term economic burden associated with poor health outcomes.

    • Research Opportunities: The data generated by the project opens up avenues for research partnerships with academic institutions, further enhancing the impact.

  4. Scalability:

    • Pilot to Expansion: Starting with pilot nodes in high-priority areas, the project plans to scale up, covering more regions and communities in need.

    • Global Potential: The success of the Digital Bridge Project in one region can serve as a model for other LMICs facing similar healthcare challenges.

    • Network Effects: Connecting more nodes improves the overall healthcare system by creating a more comprehensive and interconnected EMR network. This enhances data sharing, continuity of care, and the ability to track and respond to public health trends.

Current Regions of Focus

Current Regions of Focus


Sierra Leone
